District 5 - Eveleth area

Last updated: 2024-05-13

CO Darrin Kittelson (International Falls #1) reports fishing opener weekend on Rainy Lake and Rainy River was relatively uneventful, with lots of people enjoying the nice weather. Enforcement action for the week included boat registration issues, boat safety equipment violations, license issues, and illegal length walleye.

CO Curtis Simonson (International Falls #2) reports spending time this past week working the Rainy River and Rainy Lake for the 2024 MN Fishing Opener. Anglers reported a slower bite this past weekend. Enforcement action taken this past week consisted of boating safety equipment violations, no license is possession, and being in possession of illegal length walleyes. CO Simonson along with CO Kittelson also assisted an angler with removing a fishing hook from his ear. Needless to say, the angler wasn?t to pleased with his buddy.

CO John Slatinski IV (Ray) The highlight of the week was the awaited MN fishing opener. It appeared there were more anglers on the water for opening day than in recent memory. Angling success was observed and those that reported less success were happy to be on the water for such a beautiful day. Various license violations, illegal length fish, illegal burning, and registration issues were observed.

CO Troy Fondie (Orr) reports continued handling of otter catches by trappers. Area lakes were monitored, public access sites checked. Local forest roads were visited. Equipment work is ongoing.

CO Sean Cannon (Cook) spent the week working angling and boating enforcement ahead of the fishing opener weekend. It was a busy opener on Lake Vermilion, with many anglers searching the lake for decent Walleye willing to bite. Most anglers were reporting a slower bite, while having to sort through many smaller fish to fill the livewell. Violations encountered on the lake this week included taking walleye out of season, angling without a license, PFD and registration issues. Some nuisance animal complaints were also handled this week.

CO Aaron Larson (Tower) worked primarily angling enforcement. Larson worked a busy opener weekend primarily on Lake Vermilion. Larson checked many anglers who were having mixed success with most walleyes being on the smaller end. Violations encountered included take walleye in closed season, take fish without a license, boat registration violations, and various boating safety violations.

CO Marc Johnson (Hibbing) primarily worked angling, trapping, and ATV enforcement. In addition, time was spent presenting at a firearms safety class in Hibbing and fielding a variety of calls, including several nuisance bear complaints. Fishing opener was slow on local lakes, with most anglers opting to go to larger bodies of water.

CO Shane Zavodnik (Virginia) Time was spent investigating a wetland violation and took several ATV complaints over the week. Several parties were confronted about early walleye fishing the day before fishing opener. Enforcement action taken over the week included angling without a license and take walleye during closed season. Boating safety compliance was found to be very high during the busy opening fishing weekend, which was great to see!

CO Duke Broughten (Aurora) spent the week monitoring fishing, boating, and ATV activity. Fewer anglers were encountered than previous years. Fishermen reported moderate success, but many reported catching smaller walleyes. ATV activity was slower this week which gave trails and roads a chance to firm up after the rain. CO Broughten also fielded calls regarding ATV registration, youth ATV operation, and required boat safety equipment.

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