District 18 - Rochester area

Last updated: 2024-05-13

CO Derek Schneider (Zumbrota) checked boaters/anglers on the Mississippi River and area lakes. Some anglers were found without licenses and using extra lines. The panfish bite has been excellent. ATV activity has really been increasing and some youth helmet violations were addressed. Complaints regarding camping at a public water access and dogs chasing deer were handled.

CO Kevin Prodzinski (Wabasha) assisted at the Governor?s Fishing Opener. Many anglers and boaters were out. Violations encountered were illegal length walleye, no PFDs, child under 10 not wearing PFDs, and registration issues.

CO Joel Heyn (Plainview) worked mainly anglers and turkey hunters during the week. Things were slower for both, but lots of people were out after morels. Heyn also handled other calls and answered questions.

CO Annette Kyllo (Rochester #1) reports excellent compliance with rules and regulations this weekend as many people took advantage of the warm sunny weather to enjoy the fishing opener. Kyllo spent the early part of the week attending the MN Association of Women Police Conference held in Rochester, and was able to be a part of the first all-female honor guard to post the colors for the conference.

CO Ryan Christenson (Rochester #2) assisted at the Governor?s Fishing Opener. Plenty of fish were caught and the weather was great. Several boat safety violations were encountered. Turkey hunters were also out with some success seen.

CO Boyum (Rushford) reports checking turkey hunters throughout the week. Success was low as hunters are reporting less gobbling in the morning. Time was also spent dealing with morel hunters trespassing. People are reminded that permission is needed to access private lands. Trout fisherman have been doing well and the rains seems to have helped water levels.

Tyler Ramaker (La Crescent) monitored bow fishing activity on the Mississippi River. A complaint of rough fish dumped in the ditch along a county road was investigated. While conducting a field check of bow fisherman on the water, the anglers were found to be in possession of a large flathead catfish. Game fish may not be taken by bow fishing. The catfish was seized and enforcement action was taken. Ramaker, along with the Houston County Sheriff?s Office, presented water and boating safety information to area fourth graders at the Tesmer (Houston County) Ag Safety Day event. A wildlife presentation was also given at the La Crescent Elementary School.

Winona vacant.

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