District 16 - New Ulm area

Last updated: 2024-05-13

CO Shane Vernier (Willmar-West) spent time working angling and boating activity over the fishing opener. He spent time at an elementary school event and followed up on a public water complaint. CO Vernier also worked ATV activity.

CO Cassie Block (Willmar-East) spent time checking anglers across area lakes. CO Block reports a busy opener, with some anglers finding success. Time this week was also spent responding to various call and complaints.

CO Nicholas Klehr (Litchfield) worked a busy fishing opener. Multiple violations for fishing without an angling license were encountered. CO Klehr also observed violations of over limits and keeping bass during the catch and release season. Some boaters had to be reminded to make sure they have current registration displayed on their boats and enough life jackets for everyone onboard.

CO Brett Wiltrout (Hutchinson-West) spent time this week working boat and water safety and sport fishing. The fishing opener saw a good number of anglers and successful fishing. Other activities included animal complaints, AIS, and investigations into refuge violations.

CO Zachary Larson (Hutchinson-East) reports working a busy fishing opener, many angers were observed out on opening day. However, success for anglers was poor in the area. Patrol efforts were also focused on ATV activity and monitoring wildlife management areas.

CO Thor Nelson (New Ulm) assisted local law enforcement and fire departments with a missing person. He also advised an angler with the certification process for a potential new State record mooneye. Fishing success during the opener was spotty. A few nice walleyes were caught but most anglers were left scratching their heads. The weather couldn?t have been better, however.

CO Luke Gutzwiller (Windom) spent time this past week working angling activity with the fishing opener. K9 Earl assisted with a Fish School event held for youth in Lake City with the Governor?s Opener. A busy fishing opener was viewed with most anglers having some luck on the water. Assistance was given to Brown and Cottonwood Counties with a water related emergency.

CO Eric Schettler (Fairmont) assisted the Jackson Co. Sheriff?s Office on a suicidal male. Anglers and watercraft were checked. AIS inspections were completed, and public accesses were patrolled.

Jackson vacant.

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