District 12 - Princeton area

Last updated: 2024-05-13

CO Ryan Hanna (Milaca) patrolled for opening fishing season and misc. ATV operations. Co Hanna enforced helmet use by juveniles along with careless operations of ATV. CO Hanna also enforced not burning couches.

CO Koleby Dingmann (Sauk Rapids) spent the week working sport fishing and boating activity with the 2024 fishing opener. Success was minimal for most all the anglers that were checked. Make sure you have sufficient PFD?s if going out on the water. Enforcement action for the week included fishing without a license, expired registration, child without required PFD, and illegal length northern pike.

CO Blong Lor (Center City) spent the week checking anglers and boaters. He also spent time on equipment maintenance and getting everything ready for the walleye/northern pike opener. The walleye/northern pike opening weekend was a very busy and successful opener.

CO Trent Seamans (Big Lake) reports working an extremely busy fishing opener. Unfortunately many people were found in violation of the law. Violations encountered over the weekend included fishing without a license, fishing after revocation, operating a watercraft with expired registration, operating a watercraft without life-jackets, and operating a watercraft under the influence of alcohol. Several ATV violations were also addressed including operating with expired registration, operating in the roadway illegally, and operating with helmetless juvenile passengers.

CO Justin Frisch (Cambridge) spent the week checking angling activity in the area. Panfish anglers were having some luck in the earlier part of the week leading into the weekends Fishing Opener. Enforcement action was taken for violation with the most common of those being angling without a license.

CO Mike Krauel (Mora)spent the week checking anglers and working boat and water safety. Anglers were having moderate success. CO Krauel also spent time with K9 Bolt at boat accesses checking boats for Zebra Mussels.

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